Monday, March 05, 2007

One That Got Away

I blogged about this topic in my former life.

I found another interesting blog post on the topic:

"Have you ever Googled an ex? Have you ever wondered what happened to the first, the truest and/or the greatest love of your life?

Have you ever wanted to sit down with that person and ask: How often, if ever, do you think of me (and in what context)? Do you have any regrets? What do you think would have happened if we ended up together? Were we soul mates? If so, how could you move on to someone else so quickly, so easily and painlessly with someone else? Have you ever considered how that person would respond if and when you did contact (let’s say) her today? With dismissive laughter? A restraining order? Tears of joy?"

But I have some more questions on the topic:
- Are you the one that got away from you know it because they told you or you just feel it?

- Do you ever wonder if you are the one that got away from someone else?

- Has someone really gotten away from you if you are still able to communicate with them, see them, etc.?

- What was your reasoning for letting someone get away? Is that reasoning as valid today as when it happened?

- What if you reconnected with your one that got away and the feelings were just as strong as before but they were married, would you consider an affair? Or if your one that got away reconnected with you and you were married...would you consider an affair or even a divorce?

The one that got away is a very interesting topic to me. Because it calls in to question if you believe in the ideas of true love and soul mates and if you believe in having only one true love or soul mate.

1 comment:

Bullet Proof Diva said...

I do wonder if I am somebody's "one that got away" girl. I have a short list of guys that I was VERY janky with in the past, and I feel bad about those, but the rest of those sorry mufuggas I dealt with can stay away! ha ha!