Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Someone Noticed Me

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Quite a few things are happening with me but you'll hear more about that in the coming weeks.

I think I keep a sporadic schedule. I never leave for work or leave from work the same time every day. It's very rare I see the same people twice on the subway. But apparently I don't pay enough attention.

My MO is when I ride the train at night I usually read a magazine as I'm waiting on the platform and as I'm riding the train. I subscribe to enough magazines that I'm able to read a magazine a day. So one late night after work I'm walking down the platform sipping on my Chai Tea Latte from the 24 hour Starbucks in Times Square. I sit down, pull out a magazine and commence reading.

I guess the guy next to me was getting up the nerve to speak to me or to figure out what to say. He finally says, "Do you work in the area?" Startled a bit because no one ever talks to me I say, "Yes." He says, "I see you some times, around this time." I laugh. He says, "What's so funny?" I tell him that I usually never see the same people each night and that I keep a pretty sporadic schedule so I didn't think anyone would notice me. He said, "I noticed you. You are always reading a magazine or something. So when you sat down next to me and pulled out a magazine, I knew it was you."

He was a pretty cool guy. Born and raised in NYC, he's leaving at the end of the month to pursue his hoop dreams in Israel. We had a cool conversation until he reached his stop. He never asked me for my number which I'm glad because I've learned my lesson giving my number out to nice strangers. He said I hope I'll see you again on the train. He was nice so I wouldn't mind if I ran in to him again.

But part of me was a little concerned. How many other people have noticed me? Is my schedule not as unpredictable as I thought? Do I need to switch things up? I'm not going to worry about it too much because my schedule is about to DRASTICALLY change so my days of riding the #2 late at night are numbered.

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