Thursday, September 10, 2009

Natural Hair

There was a recent article in Time magazine about why people make such a big deal about Michelle Obama's hair and what it means for Black Women's hair. There is actually a documetary coming out from Chris Rock called "Good Hair."

What bothered me is that the article made mention that pressing or flat ironing your hair is not maintaining your natural hair. I beg to differ. For one, I'm not using a chemical to get my hair straight. AND if my hair is flat ironed or pressed and water touches any part of it, it will not remain straight. I don't think using a tool to straighten your hair temporarily is denying the natural state of your hair. Using a harsh chemical is not temporary. The process to grow out a relaxer takes a lot longer than me just wetting my hair and it not being straight anymore. But again, it's about finding a level of control and style.

For most of 2009 I have been wearing my hair in braids because I was experiencing some serious breakage. Not sure if the breakage was due to stress, hair coloring or a combination of both. But it's the end of the summer so I'm trying to decide what do to with my hair. I have a few options.

1. Get it rebraided.
2. Give the braids a break and get my natural hair flat ironed.
3. If I get my natural hair done, possibly cut it.
4. Get a full head weave.

I'm leaning towards keeping my hair braided and getting it rebraided. Braids are easier to maintain and I'm not happy with the length and condition of my natural hair. Maybe after my Columbus Day weekend vacation I'll take the braids out for a bit. But I definetely want braids when I go to Costa Rica at the end of the year.

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