Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Death of Newspapers: A Laughing Matter

I don't play a lot of video games. But since I was a kid I was always fascinated to watch others play video games. I would sit and watch my nephew play Super Mario Brothers for HOURS. So I remember watching one of my friends play Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City. On one of the missions they stole a trunk and the message on the side of the truck at one point said "Yesterdays news today." I laughed because those 3 words define newspapers as we know them. I was just surprised to see it mentioned in a video game.

And then Jon Stewart had to touch on the subject just in case the masses didn't notice the demise of newspapers. The video is sadly hilarious because it is so true. And it's not just newspapers. All of mainstream/traditional media is struggling to redefine themselves in the age of the internet and getting the information NOW.

It just makes me wonder who will be our credible sources for news and information?

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