Friday, February 06, 2009


I will go through bouts of insomnia...where no matter what I do I just have a heard time sleeping. My biggest problem is mind chatter. Where your head won't stop thinking in order for you to peacefully sleep. I'll admit I have some weird tactics and some pretty common ones.

1. Run the dishwasher
The sound of the dishwasher is soothing to me.

2. Read
Sometimes reading a newspaper, magazine or book helps me to go to sleep but sometimes it makes the insomnia worse because I'll start thinking about what I read.

3. Play on my Wii
When my insomnia is at its worse I can play for HOURS. You would think I'd be in great physical condition based on how often I play with my Wii.

4. Write blog entries
Some of my best blog entries have been written when I couldn't get any sleep.

5. Journal
I'll try to write down my thought so maybe I can figure out what is bothering me and preventing me from sleeping.

6. Watch a movie
Although if I fall asleep on a movie that must mean it's not a good movie.

7. Work
If I can't sleep I might as well be productive. Work is my #1 stressor and I think the source of why I can't sleep most nights because I think about all that I have to do the next day. So instead of waiting for the next day, I do it when I can't sleep.

8. Take a benedryll or nyquil or sleeping pill
This method is a method of last resort because taking stuff gives me the most fucked up dreams. I mean seriously weird and fucked up dreams.

9. Bedtime buddy
There is a certain person that when I sleep next to them my mind goes silent. No sex involved. Just laying next to this person helps me to sleep. But I don't cash in this chip too often because I was told when I sleep better they don't...go figure.

10. Clean
I'll start going through my clothes, organizing my kitchen, sorting through papers. Anything to use up whatever energy I have.

So those are my sleep insomnia methods. What do you do when you suffer from some insomnia?

1 comment:

shurgood said...

Unless I'm really tired, I have to have have some noise when I sleep. I usually run a fan at night....