Friday, January 16, 2009

Suze Orman Challenge

At times I can be a super nerd, especially when it's a topic I'm really interested in. I have been on a serious financial learning kick for about 3 years now. So as soon as the link to Suze Orman's new book was available on Oprah's site I downloaded a copy. And being a geek I read the entire book in one night. It was only 200 pages and I only skipped one chapter that was completely not relevant to me in my current situation and I skimmed through another but the rest I read.

Suze proposed an interesting challenge.
"Within a month of reading this book, I ask you to:
- Do not spend money for one day
- Do not use your credit card for one week
- Do not eat out at a restaurant for one month
I think you will be surprised by the changes the resolutions bring about in you."

I'm always up for a challenge. I think the first one is easy. There are a plenty of days where I spend no money. I think the second one is easy too. I really only use my credit cards for big purchases like plane tickets. Otherwise I pay cash or use my debit card. So for that challenge I think I'm going pick a month and not use my credit card at all. The month of April is looking promising where I won't have any major purchases to make because all major purchases will have already been made.

The last one is a challenge. Especially this is the start of NYC Restaurant Week which is like a food holiday to me. So right now I'm shooting for the month of March. My birthday is in March so after NYC Restaurant Week ends and I'm done traveling for February I won't have a reason to go out to eat. The only exception I will make is if I go on a date and my date is paying.

So to recap. I'm going to not eat out at all (at least on my dime) for the month of March. Since there are plenty of days where I don't spend money I'm going to pick a week, maybe in February, to not spend any money. And for the month of April I will not use my credit card. I think these short term goals will also contribute to my larger goals for the year. All the more better to try.

Today is your last day to get a free copy of Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan from You are also invited to attend a LIVE webcast with Suze on at 9 p.m. ET/ 8 p.m. CT. Register now. Learn what you can do in 2009 to take control of your financial future. It's revealing, it's interactive and it's free!

So are you up for the challenge? Do you think you can go without spending for a day, your credit card for a week or eating out at restaurants for a month?

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