Monday, April 20, 2009

What To Do With My Roth IRA

I opened a Roth IRA a little over a year ago because my financial shero Suze Orman told me to.

You might remember that Suze Orman was on Oprah and she gave away her book "Women and Money" on for free. I immediately downloaded the book, printed it out, put it in a nice binder and read it that following weekend taking lots of notes. I'm a student of personal finance. Within the book was an offer to get started with an IRA.

Suze Orman has a business partnership with TD Ameritrade (which to some is a source of controversy) To convince viewers of her show and readers of her book to begin saving, Suze suggested going to (a Web site she set up) and opening an account with that firm. If you deposit $50 a month in each of the first 12 months, the bank will match you — up to $100. “It’s a savings rate of 15 percent,” she has repeatedly said. The trouble is, after the first $600, the interest rate drops to an ordinary one, making the offer more of a marketing ploy for the bank than anything else.

And actually the offer has changed slightly since I did it a year ago. Now you have to deposit $100 a month in each of the first 12 months, the bank will give you $100 in the 13th month. Still a pretty good return of 8%.

So I started the Roth IRA funding it with $50 a month but I also watched the annual percentage yield (APY) go down. When I first opened the Roth IRA the APY was 2.75%. That's not a lot but it's better than the rate of a traditional savings account. As of this blog post the APY is 0.50%. That's still better than a traditional savings account but overall I think that APY sucks.

My question to everyone is what should I do next? Should I find another bank, brokerage or mutual fund company to move my Roth IRA too? Should I put the money in to a CD? Should I stick with who I'm with because everyone's rates suck? Do I move the money to a municipal bond fund? Should I just call TD Ameritrade and see what they suggest?

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